
Measuring and Marking Metals for Home MachinistsMade in United States

Measuring and Marking Metals for Home Machinists
  • Accurate techniques for the small shop
  • By Ivan Law
  • 112 pages, softcover, 5.8" x 8.3"
  • ISBN 978-1-49710-193-7
  • Copyright 2022
Part Number: 6022
Weight: 0.25 lb

Price: $11.99

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For model engineers and small workshops that don’t have access to sophisticated measuring equipment, this guide will show them how to measure and mark themselves! Measuring and Marking Metals for Home Machinists will inform readers on how to use measuring equipment and how to mark out, which are essential skills for engineers and imperative for success. A comprehensive resource written by a renowned expert engineer, this crucial metalworking resource not only emphasizes the importance of exactness of marking out and the accuracy of measurements, but will also clearly guide readers on how to achieve such vital precision!