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5490 AngleCube, Digital Angle Gage, iGaging
Reg $36.95
Sale  $33.95
Not in stock
4197 Digital Position Readout, Drill Press, iGaging $49.95
6375 Height Gage, 6" professional, Digital, iGaging IP54 $98.95
5870 Height Gage, 6", Digital, iGaging $46.99
4205 Setup Blocks, Eight Block Set, iGaging $27.95
5758 Electronic Digital Caliper, 6" Fractions IP54, iGaging $34.95
5874 Machinist Square Set, 2" 4" and 6", iGaging $39.95
6495 Micrometer Set, 0-3", Digital, iGaging $159.95
6482 Thickness Gage Set, 32 Leaves, 0.0015" - 0.035", iGaging $8.95
6481 V-Blocks, Set of Four, iGaging $79.95
5012 DRO Scale, 12" (300 mm) with Display $99.95
5596 DRO Scale, 24" (600 mm) With Display $149.95
5011 DRO Scale, 6" (150 mm) With Display $69.95
5681 Automatic Center Punch $7.95
5868 Combination Square Set, 12" 4R Precision $69.95
6491 Combination Square Set, 6" 4R $39.95
5185 Depth Base for 6" Caliper $14.95
5983 Depth Gage Digital Electronic Indicator 0-22" $72.95
1235 Dial Caliper, 6", inch/fractional $34.95
6489 Dial Indicator, 1" x 0.001", IP65 $24.95
Not in stock
5869 Double Square Set, 4" and 6" 4R $27.95
5864 Electronic Digital Caliper, 6" Fractions IP67 $67.95
Not in stock
5865 Electronic Digital Caliper, 8" Fractions IP67 $79.95
5197 Flashlight, LED with Magnetic Base
Reg $39.95
Sale  $36.95
5388 Magnifier, 8x, Desktop, LED Light $36.95
5866 Micrometer, 0-1" Digital IP65 $72.95
5871 Needle File Set, 12 Pieces $6.99
1177 Power Supply for DRO Scales With Display $14.95
6494 Protractor, 4" Digital $21.95
6479 Spindle Square With Dial Indicators $69.95